Grantee profile
Wiener Holocaust Library
The Wiener Holocaust Library (the “Library”) was founded in 1933 by Alfred Wiener, a Jewish-German researcher and journalist who escaped Germany as the Nazis rose to power. Wiener settled in Amsterdam where he established the Jewish Central Information Office and started collecting documents on the rise of anti-Semitism in his home country and in the rest of Europe. In 1939, Wiener left Amsterdam, and went to London where he moved his archive and kept collecting documents including early eyewitnesses’ accounts. The Library is the world’s oldest repository of Holocaust and Nazi related materials and holds over two million original documents (including published and unpublished work, press cuttings, photographs etc.). It is now one of the most extensive archives on the Holocaust and the Nazi era. Its mission is to preserve its collections, to help researchers, scholars, the media and the public to access it and to promote a better understanding of the Holocaust. Since 2013, the Library has been the only point of access in the UK to the ITS Archive, the largest collection of documents related to the Holocaust with over 100 million pages of providing information on the fate of over 17 million individuals persecuted by the Nazi regime. The Library runs a vibrant programme of temporary exhibitions and events, the vast majority of which are open and free to the public.